페이지 정보

Product Introduction : POWER COL-TRA increases the overall volume of the face area and
produces and promotes new collagen. Inject into the fascia layer (SMAS) to increase lifting
effect and thicken dermal tissue. As a biodegradable filler, there are no side effects,
the procedure is simple, and it has a lasting effect of about 18 months or more.
Main ingredient : PLLA(Poly L Lactide Acid)
Packaging : 365mg * 1 vial / 1box
Injection layer : Fascia layer (SMAS)
Indication :Tear troughs, Crow's lines, Submalarregion / Cheeks,Nasolabial folds / Perioral lines, Chin / Pre-jowl sulcus
Expiration date : 2 years from the date of manufacture
produces and promotes new collagen. Inject into the fascia layer (SMAS) to increase lifting
effect and thicken dermal tissue. As a biodegradable filler, there are no side effects,
the procedure is simple, and it has a lasting effect of about 18 months or more.
Main ingredient : PLLA(Poly L Lactide Acid)
Packaging : 365mg * 1 vial / 1box
Injection layer : Fascia layer (SMAS)
Indication :Tear troughs, Crow's lines, Submalarregion / Cheeks,Nasolabial folds / Perioral lines, Chin / Pre-jowl sulcus
Expiration date : 2 years from the date of manufacture
14회 다운로드 | DATE : 2023-07-05 14:24:17
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